How to Keep Rats Out of Your Vent Pipe
Keeping the Rats Out
Well my friends for several nights now I'v been woken early mornings to a noise. Im not sure what it is but it makes a lot of noise going up and down every night. After careful observation one can only assume that something is entering my vent pipes at night. if you didn't know as the sewage from the sink, toilets, and washer machine goes down the drain it all needs to be vented. the vent pipe is what carries these poisonous smelly gases to the outside of the house. So, if you too have this problem today I'll share with you my quick DIY solution.
A word of caution. I highly recommend that you wear gloves if you try this to keep the rats out.. Also, as of right now this is a trail and error for me. So I will have to come back for an update and let you all know how it went.
materials needed:
1/2 inch by 1/2 inch chicken wire also known as galvanized steel wire
I carefully wrap the pipe tightly leaving no space for unwanted visitors, maybe rats, from crawling through. Keeping your roof clear of overgrown branches will only aide in the success of protecting your vent pipes. Pruning also helps prevent premature failure or damage of the shingles causing exposed nails. I demonstrate how I do this in the video below.
If you do try this project or have any questions feel free to comment below.
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